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28 2023-07

The logic behind the price increase of LED manufacturers

In early May, after Mulinsen took the lead in announcing a 5% to 10% increase in the price of the entire series of products, a wave of price increases spread from top to bottom in the LED industry. According to TrendForce’s survey, some LED manufacturers have adopted price hike measures, and the main price increase items are concentrated on upstream lighting LED chips. The price is the most, and the increase is about 3~5%; the increase of special size can reach up to 10%.

2023-07-28 46


30 2023-06

Sanan Optoelectronics received a subsidy of 725 million yuan, and another project started

After announcing a strategic cooperation with STMicroelectronics, Sanan Optoelectronics has recently reported new developments in government subsidies and projects. Hunan Sanan "tonic" 725 million yuan yesterday evening (6/29), Sanan Optoelectronics announced that Hunan Sanan received the business...

2023-06-30 8


30 2023-06

2023 Automotive LED Report Newly Published

According to TrendForce's analysis of auto market demand in 2023, despite the slowdown in inflation in Europe and the United States, the global economy is still weak. Automakers cut prices to stimulate buying momentum, but it also brought the overall auto market into a cycle of price competition. When the auto market enters the cycle of price competition, the price of automotive LEDs is also significantly...

2023-06-30 31


29 2023-06

14000 PPI, another breakthrough in the field of red Micro LED

In the past two years, the rise of AR and other XR smart wearable devices has accelerated Micro LED technology. With the active promotion of terminal brands and the gradual growth of consumer demand, the Micro LED industry chain has also accelerated its pace in technological breakthroughs and product development. Continue to inject vitality into this field, help...

2023-06-29 10


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